Did you know that more than a million Canadian adults see orthodontists each year? The number of people getting orthodontic treatments all around the world is increasing and the trend is set to continue.

But many people don’t understand the precise role an orthodontist plays. The role is a little more complex than many people realize, and a better understanding of the role can help you get better treatment.

If you’re searching for “orthodontist near me” you might need some help finding quality dental services. If that’s the case, read on. We’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you understand the precise role of an orthodontist.


So, What is an Orthodontist Exactly?

An orthodontist is a special type of dentist. They diagnose, prevent, and treat problems with incorrectly positioned teeth. You may be searching for information on “orthodontist vs. dentist”, but the fact is, an orthodontist is a type of dentist.

Orthodontists treat teeth that are crooked or don’t align properly. They can help address a mouth crowded with teeth, or with lots of gaps between each tooth.

These problems can be more than aesthetic. Crooked teeth can cause pain and bleeding, along with other health problems. That’s why it’s so important to get quality orthodontic treatment as soon as you notice an issue.


Don’t Orthodontists Just Treat Kids?

When you think of braces, you probably picture them on a smiling middle-schooler. While orthodontists most commonly treat children, it’s completely false to suggest they never treat adults.

Sometimes, problems develop in adult teeth. Other times, an issue that was never addressed as a child would need to be treated by an orthodontist for adults.

It’s never too late to fix poorly aligned teeth. We’re dedicated to treating people of all ages at our practice, so we have plenty of experience offering mature orthodontics.


What Kind of Training Does an Orthodontist Receive?

Orthodontist training is long and arduous. It starts with a degree in dentistry. This takes the form of either a Bachelor of Dental Surgery or a BDS degree and normally takes around five years.

Only after gaining several years’ experience in general dentistry will a dentist then progress to a specialty in orthodontics. They will complete a three-year specialist degree to gain all the skills they need to work as an effective orthodontist. Then, they’ll need to pass an exam and be certified by their relevant state authority.

That means you’ll be working with a seasoned professional with plenty of dental experience. A good orthodontist will be able to respond to any challenges that arise during the treatment process and

What Kinds of Treatments Do Orthodontists Offer?

The treatments an orthodontist offers go far beyond the conventional, metal braces you’re likely familiar with. Orthodontist services have grown to include many different techniques in recent years.

Orthodontic treatment normally lasts between 18 and 24 months. But the length can vary for more complicated problems. A good orthodontist will offer patients a consultation before treatment begins, allowing them to ask questions about the process.


Many people aren’t keen to have visible braces on their teeth. Especially for adults, it can carry some stigma and make them feel self-conscious.

That’s why Invisalign braces are one of the most popular services offered by orthodontists. This state-of-the-art technology uses 3D computer imaging to create a model of your teeth. Expert orthodontists will then create a series of unobtrusive, clear plastic braces, that will gently but firmly force your teeth into a better alignment.

Invisalign braces are one of the most popular orthodontic treatments all the world over. Since people barely notice these braces on the teeth, it’s no wonder so many people opt for Invisalign.

Damon Braces

Damon braces are another popular orthodontic treatment. Although they’re a little more visible than Invisalign braces, they offer super-fast treatment and higher levels of comfort.

These braces use light shape-memory titanium wires. This allows your teeth to be gently pulled into a new alignment. These braces also make it easier to maintain good dental hygiene and require fewer maintenance appointments overall.

How Can an Orthodontist Help Me?

An orthodontist’s role is to help you keep a healthier mouth. Their main roles include:

  • Straightening crooked teeth
  • Correcting a bite to allow the front and back teeth to meet evenly
  • Reducing the chance of damage to major teeth

Some other services are often provided by orthodontists, including teeth-whitening.


If you already have braces in your mouth, it’s important to keep them well-maintained. This isn’t a job you can do yourself, so you’ll need to visit an orthodontist every six to eight weeks to have your braces adjusted.

Most orthodontists require patients to come in for routine cleanings every two or three months. Orthodontic treatment can cause a higher risk of tooth decay, so it’s important to regularly visit your orthodontist for a full cleaning and check-up.

This is another reason why orthodontic patients are encouraged to brush their teeth after each meal and avoid certain types of food.

Emergency Care

Orthodontic emergencies aren’t very common. But they do occur from time to time, and it’s important to get expert care quickly.

A loose wire, poking wire, or excessive pain can all constitute an emergency and they could cause discomfort, compromise your oral hygiene, and even damage your teeth alignment. All good orthodontists offer urgent care when it’s required. At our practice, we’ll arrange an appointment as soon as possible to treat the issue.

A Great Orthodontist Right on Your Doorstep

Keeping your teeth healthy, pain-free, and looking good is important. That’s why you need to work with a quality orthodontist to address any incorrectly positioned teeth right away.

Tasios Orthodontics is a quality orthodontist in Vaughan. We’re proud to be the premier orthodontics surgery in the Toronto area. Want to find out how good we are? Book an appointment today and we’ll aim to send you away with a big smile on your face!